titan status

Display the current status for a repository.

  • Status - The current status of a repository (detached, running, stopped, etc…).

  • Uncompressed Size - The Uncompressed Size of the repository on disk.

  • Compressed Size - The Compressed Size of the repository on disk.

  • Last Commit - The GUID (globally unique identifier) for the last commit.

For each volume, the following information is displayed:

  • Volume - The path of the volume on the disk

  • Uncompressed Size - The Uncompressed Size of the volume on disk.

  • Compressed Size - The Compressed Size of the volume on disk.

All sizes reflect the size of the currently active volume state. As data is added, or if a different commit is checked out, these values will change.


titan status <repository>



Required. The name of the target repository.


$ titan status hello-world
            Status:  running
 Uncompressed Size:  526.5 KiB
   Compressed Size:  254 KiB
       Last Commit:  12c6da4d57004d3497afca4fb914ed58

Volume                          Uncompressed  Compressed
/var/lib/postgresql/data        31.7 MiB      6.9 MiB